Legal Information
Charity Information
Charity IT Leaders is a registered charity (1153226). Our charitable objective is:
“The promotion for the public benefit of the efficiency and effectiveness of charities and not-for-profit organisations through the promotion of study, sharing of knowledge and advancement of the use of information technology.”
You may write to us at the following address or email [email protected]:
1 Canada Square
E14 5AA
For more information about Charity IT Leaders, please visit the Charity Commission website and view our pages.
Our Trustees are:
Su Crighton - Chair
Stuart McSkimming - Deputy Chair
Richard Bailey
Caroline Carruthers
Jon Curry
Jane Deal
Neil Edmonds
Phillip Edwards
Seth Harman
Anna Hoskins
Jane Huntington
Laura Moore
If you are publishing material (documents and images) on to the Charity IT Leaders website, you must be aware of copyright laws. Follow these guidelines:
You can publish it on the site if the material is your own work or the work of your charity (subject to your own copyright guidance)
By publishing your material to this site you are giving permission to other charities to use it for research, guidance and in support of their charitable objectives
If the material is the work of someone else, you must find out who owns the copyright, get their consent for publication and credit their name to the published works.
You can copy, issue or adapt copyrighted material held on the site.