Become a CITL Trusted Supplier
Demonstrate your charity and not-for-profit credentials to our members and the wider sector by becoming a CITL Trusted Supplier.
Our newly launched Trusted Supplier Directory is a searchable listing of suppliers who offer services specifically designed for the charity and NFP sector. All our Trusted Suppliers must be endorsed by at least two of our members, as well as having a demonstrable track record of quality delivery in the charity space.
If your organisation offers services to the charity sector, and if you want to display the CITL Trusted Supplier logo, you need to apply for a listing today.
A 12 month listing usually costs £1,000 but if you sign up before 14 February 2025 you'll get a special discounted rate on your first year of just £850.

As a Trusted Supplier, you'll get the following benefits:
12 months in our Trusted Supplier Directory, with searchable tabs, to make it even easier for potential customers to find you.
A quarter page advert in our six monthly Trusted Supplier Bulletin, which goes out to all our members twice a year, and is available on our website.*
Early access to new sponsorship opportunities.
Exclusive use of our Trusted Supplier logo, for use on your website, in your email signatures and on your marketing materials.
* Platinum Sponsors will have a full page ad, and Gold Sponsors will have a half page ad.
To benefit from our introductory rate of £850 for a 12 month listing, make sure you join before 14 February 2025.
We don't confer Trusted Supplier status on all suppliers
To become a Trusted Supplier you will have to be endorsed by at least one two charity or not-for-profit clients, and be able to demonstrate how you've consistently delivered for the sector. We're not just talking about service delivery or product sales; we're looking for organisations who go above and beyond. Who use their expertise and their connections to add value for NFP organisations.
We work with organisations whose ethics, brand values and ethos are in alignment with our own. Businesses who believe in forging relationships rather than selling, who see their clients as partners, not a prospect for conversion, and who give back in different ways.
There are lots of ways to support the sector, including webinars, free training, CSR activities, sharing knowledge and expertise, secondments discounted products and services, and many more.
So if you want to see your brand aligned with a trusted sector advocate, raise your profile with potential new clients and contacts, demonstrate your commitment to supporting the wider sector, and build your credibility as a rusted partner to the charity sector, get in touch today to apply for inclusion in our Trusted Supplier Directory.